
William’s Lugged Spirit road frame

enWilliam came to silver braze his own lugged road bike, with Llewellyn stainless lugs and Columbus Spirit tubes. He added a little Columbus Max road fork to that for a nice complete steel road rig :-)

enWilliam est venu se braser a l'argent son propre cadre de route acier avec des raccords Llewellyn inox et des tubes Columbus Spirit. Il y a rajouté une fourche Columbus Max pour un complet route acier :-)

Filed under: Classes By: oTm

Class bike

enGustavo has sent in a picture of his finished bike in tangerine orange.

enGustavo a envoyé une photo de son vélo fini, peint en orange.

Filed under: Bikes, Classes By: oTm

Igor, Max & Pali in da house

enA new bike came out of the workshop this week, a stylish TIG welded single speed / track bike made for and with the help of Igor from Italy. Max from France and Pali from Hungary came to visit :-)

enUn autre vélo est sorti de l'atelier cette semaine, un pinion fixe / pistard soudé TIG fabriqué pour et avec l'aide de Igor d'Italie. Max de France et Pali de Hongrie sont venus faire un tour a l'atelier :-)

Filed under: Classes, Workshop By: oTm